Tasks (beta) in mudstack allow you to create file based to-dos and assign them to team members.

Create Tasks

When viewing a file in a mudstack workspace, you can define and share the progress of a file by clicking the Tasks tab.

  1. Click Create Task in the top right of the Tasks sidebar to display the Create Task modal.

  2. Enter title, description, assignee, priority, and status, then create the task.

  3. Toggle create more to create another task after clicking the Create task button.

My Open Tasks

This view shows your assigned open and completed tasks.

On tasks assigned to you, change the status of a task using the dropdown. Completed tasks will be visible by clicking the Show completed button below the Create Task button.

Other Open Tasks

This section shows all open tasks (not assigned to you) for the file.

Edit Tasks

You can edit any task that was created by or assigned to you. You can also delete these tasks if needed.

Looking for more task functionality?

Please share your thoughts around improvements to tasks and possible integrations with other task management tools like Jira, Trello, etc via our feedback portal.