With only file names and folder hierarchies, finding files is very difficult unless you know the name and/or location of the file under question.

Tagging your files is a powerful way of helping your future self and team!

A central tagging system that works closely with your naming conventions makes filtering down your search to quickly find what you need very easy.

Managing Tags

To manage your tags, go to the Tags view by clicking the link in the top bar.

Only account admins can manage workspace tags.

Here, you can create, edit and manage all your workspace tags. You can also click a tag to see a filtered view of all files using that tag.

Syncing Tags

While using the desktop app, any changes you make to a tag places it into the push table to sync with your cloud workspace. If you assign a tag to a file, that file is also included in the push table for syncing.

When mudstack fetches any new tag changes from the cloud, these tags will be available to you locally.

Auto Tagging

If your team has a well designed file naming convention, then you can use mudstack’s auto tagging to do some of the work.

Create your tag system before uploading content to mudstack. As long as a tag matches a string in the filename separated by a ., -, _ or , the file will automatically get tagged on upload.

For example, if the tags Red and Sword already existed in the workspace, files named:

  • Red_sword-3.png,
  • Red-Sword_final_final.fbx,
  • red sword wip.ma,

etc, would all get automatically tagged with both Red and Sword on upload.

Tags that are a part of a word will also be added. For example, if you have the tag Red and a file Reddish_sword_1.obj, the tag Red will be applied to that file.

Managing Tags on Files

From any search view, you can select one or more files and add/remove tags to/from the selection:

  1. Right click after selecting files and choose Manage Tags, or
  2. Use the right sidebar to either remove tags from the selection or click the Add tags button to add new tags.

You can also add tags to a file from the file details view by clicking on the file info tab on the right sidebar.

Remember that removing a tag from a file does not impact the file itself other than the removal of the tag association from its metadata!